MCC offers many different studies, groups, and fellowship activities for men who want to learn, discuss, and grow spiritually alongside other men of the church.

MCC offers many different studies, groups, and fellowship activities for men who want to learn, discuss, and grow spiritually alongside other men of the church.

Men's Breakfast

Men's Breakfast

On the first, third, and when there is one, fifth Wednesday of every month, a group of men from MCC gather at Dick's Diner to fellowship together over breakfast. All men are welcome to come starting at 8:30am.


Dick's Diner is located at: 4200 William Penn Hwy, Murrysville, PA 15668. 

On the first, third, and when there is one, fifth Wednesday of every month, a group of men from MCC gather at Dick's Diner to fellowship together over breakfast. All men are welcome to come starting at 8:30am.


Dick's Diner is located at: 4200 William Penn Hwy, Murrysville, PA 15668. 

Men's Breakfast

Men's Breakfast

On the first, third, and when there is one, fifth Wednesday of every month, a group of men from MCC gather at Dick's Diner to fellowship together over breakfast. All men are welcome to come starting at 8:30am.


Dick's Diner is located at: 4200 William Penn Hwy, Murrysville, PA 15668. 

On the first, third, and when there is one, fifth Wednesday of every month, a group of men from MCC gather at Dick's Diner to fellowship together over breakfast. All men are welcome to come starting at 8:30am.


Dick's Diner is located at: 4200 William Penn Hwy, Murrysville, PA 15668. 

Discipleship Groups

Men's Discipleship Groups offer an opportunity to grow in friendship with other men who are mutually committed to accountability, Bible study, and prayer for and with one another. These groups challenge men in Bible study and prayer, church, evangelism, marriage, and parenting, and more.


DIscipleship is offering in the spring and fall

Discipleship Groups

Men's Discipleship Groups offer an opportunity to grow in friendship with other men who are mutually committed to accountability, Bible study, and prayer for and with one another. These groups challenge men in Bible study and prayer, church, evangelism, marriage, and parenting, and more.


DIscipleship is offered in the spring and fall


Fellowship Events

Keep an eye out for men's events like our annual Cornhole tournament, Turkey Bowl and other fun events! Subscribe to our calendar below to make sure you do not miss out!

Fellowship Events

Keep an eye out for men's events like our annual Cornhole tournament, Turkey Bowl and other fun events! Subscribe to our calendar below to make sure you do not miss out!





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     3750 School Road Murrysville PA, 15668


    M, W, F 9am - 2pm


    (724) 327-8411


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     3750 School Road Murrysville PA, 15668


     M, W, F 9am - 2pm


    (724) 327-8411