Why We Sing

Scripture is full of singing and songs. Throughout the ages of the church, God has commanded his people to sing; and this commandment is not burdensom. As modeled for us in the Psalms, worship engages our spirit by involving the full expression of human emotion. When sorrowful, we sing (Psalm 137, 130). When in distress, we sing (Psalm 6, 13, Acts 16:25). When joyful, we sing (

Why We Sing

Scripture is full of singing and songs. Throughout the ages of the church, God has commanded his people to sing praises to his name. As modeled for us in the Psalms, worship engages our spirit by involving the full expression of human emotion. When sorrowful, we sing (Psalm 137, 130). When in distress, we sing (Psalm 6, 13, Acts 16:25). When joyful, we sing (Psalm 100, 34); etc...


In corporate worship, we sing songs of praise, acknowledging and reminding ourselves who God is; We sing songs of confession, acknowledging and reminding ourselves who we are and that we need a savior; And we sing songs of renewal acknowledging and reminding oursleves of what God has done for us in Christ Jesus. You will see these different types of songs highlighted in particular parts of our liturgy. 

What We Sing

At MCC, we sing "Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs" (Col. 3:16-17). We do not believe that God has restricted us to only sing Psalms or ancient hymns of the faith, but He has continued to gift the church through the ages with rich hymns and hymn writers. Any song we sing, new or old, must be doctrinally sound, and full of scriptural truths about God. 


While we do sing Psalms and ancient hymns, we also sing modern hymns and songs. We source songs from the Trinity Psalter Hymnal, Getty Music, Shane and Shane, Sovereign Grace Music, CityAlight, Sandra McCracken, Indelible Grace Music and various others. You will find a playlist of songs we sing at the bottom of this page. 

What We Sing

At MCC, we sing "Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs" (Col. 3:16-17). We do not believe that God has restricted us to only sing Psalms or ancient hymns of the faith, but He has continued to gift the church through the ages with rich hymns and hymn writers. Any song we sing, new or old, must be doctrinally sound, and full of scriptural truths about God. 


While we do sing Psalms and ancient hymns, we also sing modern hymns and songs. We source songs from the Trinity Psalter Hymnal, Getty Music, Shane and Shane, Sovereign Grace Music, CityAlight, Sandra McCracken, Indelible Grace Music and various others. You will find a playlist of songs we sing at the bottom of this page. 

How We Sing

Colossians 3:16-17 and Ephesians 5:19 teach us that singing is a corporate activity. Singing and music is a tool God has given us to deepen our communion with Him and with one another. The scriptures mentioned above teach that singing is for:


  1. 1. "Letting the Word of Christ dwell Richly in our hearts" | Singing helps to remember and dwell on God's Word in ways that simply reading it might not. 
  2. 2. "Teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom".  |   We strive to sing songs that are rich and deep in theology and truth about God.
  3. 3. "Making melody to the Lord with your heart, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ"  |  Singing is one way to praise God for his faithfulness in our lives, and thank Him for all the work he has done and the work he has yet to do. 

Interested in serving on the music team? Click below to email out music director Seth Jernigan!

How We Sing

Colossians 3:16-17 and Ephesians 5:19 teach us that singing is a corporate activity. Singing and music is a tool God has given us to deepen our communion with Him and with one another. The scriptures mentioned above teach that singing is for:


  1. 1. "Letting the Word of Christ dwell Richly in our hearts" | Singing helps to remember and dwell on God's Word in ways that simply reading it might not. 
  2. 2. "Teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom".  |   We strive to sing songs that are rich and deep in theology and truth about God.
  3. 3. "Making melody to the Lord with your heart, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ"  |  Singing is one way to praise God for his faithfulness in our lives, and thank Him for all the work he has done and the work he has yet to do. 

Interested in serving on the music team? Click below to email out music director Seth Jernigan!


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