Women's Fellowship is our ministry to women at MCC led by our Women’s Ministry Leadership Team. We seek to connect women to each other and into the life of our church as well as encourage them in their faith through Bible studies, retreats, and social gatherings. Look below for a couple of those opportunities!









Women's Fellowship is our ministry to women at MCC led by our Women’s Ministry Leadership Team. We seek to connect women to each other and into the life of our church as well as encourage them in their faith through bible studies, retreats, and social gatherings. Look below for a couple of those opportunities!

Bible Studies

Wednesday Morning

Wednesday mornings at 9:30 am in the MCC Fellowship Study: "I Am" Sayings of Jesus. For the location of the study or more information, contact Kathy Hahn

Thursday Evening

Thursday evenings at 7pm at Afton Proctors home. Study: "I Am" statements of Jesus. For the location of the study or more information, contact Afton Proctor. 

Bible Studies

Wednesday Morning

Join the ladies on Wednesday mornings at 10am in the MCC Fellowship Hall for a study on the "I Am" sayings of Jesus. For the location of the study or more information, contact Kathy Hahn

Thursday Evening

Join the ladies on Thursday evenings at 7pm as they dive into a study on the "I Am" statements of Jesus. For the location of the study or more information, contact Afton Proctor. 

Bible Studies

Wednesday Morning

Join the ladies on Wednesday mornings at 10am in the MCC Fellowship Hall for a study on the "I Am" sayings of Jesus. For the location of the study or more information, contact Kathy Hahn

Thursday Evening

Join the ladies on Thursday evenings at 7pm as they dive into a study on the "I Am" statements of Jesus. For the location of the study or more information, contact Afton Proctor.


Fellowship Events

Keep an eye out for women's events and fellowship opportunities like our seasonal breakfasts! 

Fellowship Events

Keep an eye out for women's events and fellowship opportunities like our seasonal parties!




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     3750 School Road Murrysville PA, 15668


     M, W, F 9am - 2pm




    (724) 327-8411